Rarities/Special Editions
Jyotisavedāṅga "Cannibal Coronal Mass Ejections / Thermogravimetry Warp Continuum" MC
Kolkota Inner Order Propaganda / 4444 Reich "Impending Insidious Indo-Asian Imperium" CDR/MC
Antigama / The Kill / Noisear "Split" 3x7"
Pan-Amerikan Native Front / Ifernach CD
Corpo di Guardia "De Italia" CDR
Anguish "S/T" 7"
Gates "Deliverer / Redeemer" MC
Blasphemy "Promo Tape" MC
Malist "To Mantle the Rising Sun" LP
Sinira "The Everlorn" LP
Autumn Nostalgie "Esse Est Percipi" LP
Unspeakable "Under the Black Spell" MC
Interior One "Keyes 2012 / Davie 1984" MC
Interior One "Interview Archive: 01" MC
TSALAL "Incarnation of Evil" Special Edition MC
Höstblod "Dikter om Döden" MC
Pin "A Beautiful Healthy Twitch" CD
Wolven Ancestry "The Wrath of Gaia" CDR
Sylvus "Upon The Onyx Throne" MC
Sylvus "Sylvus / The Beating of Black Wings" MC