Corrodesion "Decay" CDR
Rancid Crypt/Taforalt Cave MC
Cygnus Onyx Flame "Celestial Hermitage" MC
Evaporated Sores "Ulcerous Dimensions" MC
NIGHTSISTER "Send Angels Here" MC
The Human Veil "S/T" MC
NIGHTSISTER "Something Real" MC
Retual "Past State" MC
Ehnahre "Taming The Cannibals" CD
Cataclysmic Malignancy "The Dead Garden" MC
Half Makeshift "Omen" CD
Organs Without Bodies "EP" MC
Ahrimanic "Everything Is Colliding Into Everything Else" MC
Various Artists "Doomsday" MC
a noend of mine "Sanctuaires" CD
Cataclysmic Malignancy
stroszek "wild years of remorse and failures" CD
Moloch "A Journey to the Vyrdin" CD
Backwire "Sing Joyfully" CD-R
It Only Gets Worse "Summer Bled Out" MC
Sub/Orbital "Igniting the Derelict" CD-R
Various Artists "Ambivalent II" CD
Boredom Knife "Your Pain Is Getting Worse" MC
Come and See/MS - "CSMS" MC
Crepuscular Entity "Desolation" MC
Hornesholes "IDA" MC
BTK & Vessel Of Flesh - Split MC
Midden/Stone Jaw "Split" MC
Metz "Strange Peace" CD
MBD "Yearning For Reprieve" MC
Moloch "Meine Ganze Hoffnung Stirbt" MC
21 Gramms "Please..." MC
Old Tower "The Last Eidolon" MC
BK Bonez x Emerg Da MC "Black Magick Voodoo Centipede Ritual" MC
Prosthetic Bung "Cryptobungology: The Hunt For Garlic Feet" CD
Whispers Of Umbar "Schlafende Alpenwälder" MC
Erlöst "Like Dust" MC
Flesh Cairn "Phantasmic Battlefield Ambience" MC
Eaters Of The Soil "Inedia 2 - Dystopian Dirges of Synthetic Decay" MC
F101 "Neural Modeling Of Pain Sensation" MC
Aesthetic Cloth "Aesthetic War" MC
Wilted Perch "All You Need Is Guilt" MC
Prosthetic Bung "Mr. Neckofthewoods" MC
Arcane Earth Reboot "The Golden Abyss" MC
Sainerine "Sacrificator/Scarificator" MC
Mindbleeder/Niku Daruma MC
Infibulation "Untitled" MC
TSALAL "Encapsulating the Essence of Death to Gain Insight into Rebirth" MC